Tuesday, February 10, 2009

tornado alley

well we survived the first tornado in the big house. we went over to the neighbor's storm shelter and when we came up we saw power lines across the house. from the front you can't tell if there's any damage so we were a little scared. fortunately God is good...all the time.

two of the lines are off the roof and two are laying across it

the fence posts that came down

this is the lot next to ours. thank god we didn't build there.

picture from backyard. that house is about four houses away.

very minimal damage to shingles where one of the lines hit. craziness.

Monday, July 14, 2008

my pretty pretty shower

i didn't think i would ever get to say this but the shower i so lovingly designed is finished. and the good news is if i stand on my tiptoes i can adjust the shower head. apparently it's made for tall people....whatever. :P

master bath sink. this is paul's side because i get the one with more cabinets. yes because i'm a chick.

looks like the house got a case of chicken pox. they re-textured over all the places that had dents, divots, scratches,etc. now just waiting for paint touch ups. oh and i have no idea what happened with this picture but the paint does not look this mustard-y. BLAH. it is beautiful not bleh.
the fireplace is DOOOOOOOOOOONE. such pretty fake logs.
front stoop is finished. love the brick detailing.
we are t minus three days. i swear time is standing still.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

temp does not stand for temporary

this will be a fun little story for you. we went for our walk through/inspection today. while discussing what was left to do the guy brought up the window that was broken. shanna, very intelligently, said "the windows in the bathrooms need to be replaced too. they say temporary on them." fyi- that means tempered glass. as in privacy so people can't see you in the bathroom. ahhhh i see now.
the day before inspection we were going to go the house and make a list of what we thought needed to be fixed. dallas (the head contractor) beat us to it. here's his 9pg list of what still needs to be done. i don't even know what half of it means but he's apparently very thorough.
we have grass, a tree, and landscaping.

i like the red bush. it's a crapemyrtle...which is my new favorite word

i am not a fan however of the big hairy cousin it looking weed on the right side of the pic. that will be gone asap when we move in.

ah the backyard. with grass. and the charlie brown tree that is now thriving in it's new environment.

the kitchen is done man. love the tile.
better picture of tile. not really the right coloring but you can see it AND the sweet appliances.
the mosaic floor in master shower. obviously it's not grouted yet.
i didn't know these existed. our toilet flusher handle is the oil rubbed bronze to match faucet, shower head, and door handles. so cute.
mirrors and towel racks are in
as are the blinds. this makes me sleepy.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

climbing fences

our fence is up. they did it FAST. they also did the backsplash in the kitchen so the kitchen is d-o-n-e but the house has been locked so can't get any pics of it.
backyard. you can see paul's charlie brown tree in the corner.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

dirt work?check. lightswitches? check. floors? check check!

so exciting that there's not mounds of dirt everywhere. you can sort of see the slope of the backyard. awhile back jeff wanted to "warn" us that due to the hill we built our house on we wouldn't have a big, flat backyard to play football in. dang that was the first thing i was going to do when we moved in.
gimme some grass baby

paul's treasured pendant lights. they're going to lower them a bit more. in person they look sort of stubby if that makes sense.

kitchen is starting to get more appliances.and we have a sink and a faucet. WITH A SPRAYER which the apartment does NOT have. (who knows why) chandler, one of the neighbor girls, didn't realized she'd walked into this until it was too late. cracks me up.

focus on the floor- whoop whoop
ooh think how much clothes i can fit in that closet

carpet/dirty tile. btw- the carpet is so soft...perfect for naps. i checked.

Friday, June 27, 2008

as promised

it's a good sign when more gets finished on the house than i can even post. in the last day we've gotten lighting fixtures, sinks/faucets/showers, smoke detectors, and finished painting.
better pic of paint colors-ceiling in the master

kitchen/great room
kitchen- just needs backsplash, appliances and the sink
i wish i'd have gotten a better pic of ceiling fan in living room. it's got a sweet design

still not a great pic of paint concept...you just have to see it to see why i love it so much. also you can see how modern houses are nowadays...they're custom made for a flat screen so if you have one you're giving away let me know. at least know we get to get rid of the monstrosity of a tv paul has right now. (SO HEAVY).
guest bath is finished i think other than mirror
paul's outdoor light fixture he was so excited for
patio- lighting and back door painted

Thursday, June 26, 2008

not sure what the deal was..

...but apparently every picture i took this day was either crooked or blurry. it clearly was not a great day for my photographic expertise (which is none). they painted the outside of the house. trim, shutters, etc. i don't have any pics of it yet but they painted the front and back door too which makes me happy...not really sure why.
probably the best picture of countertops that were installed

love the paint, love the stain, love the countertops...i'll take it

study...see this one isn't clear.oh well.
this one was supposed to show the paint color between accent and main color...clearly it failed. i'll try harder today.
all painted. YAY.
what is sad is at this point i hadn't even realized the countertops had been put in. good thing i'm not paid to be observant or anything :P
i'm already behind because yesterday they put in lighting fixtures but i'll have an update soon with the grand unveiling of the living room and kitchen